Client testimonials of excellence
A recognized market expert in renewable energy, both for his years of experience and willingness to jump into new projects.
Communicates with clients in a prompt fashion with concise and clear recommendations.
Passionate about connecting clients to cost effective solutions and finding value in energy consulting, storage, distributed energy resources and electricity policy.
What people are saying about Rao Konidena
“Rao was a fantastic expert to work with. He came to the case with an open mind about how best to evaluate the evidence and did a great job working on drafts to help craft his testimony. Communication was frequent and prompt. He also was very strong on the stand. Not only was he able to clearly articulate his positions to the hearing examiner, when opposing counsel attempted to bully him into answers he held up well and even was able to use the attempts to get back to the points wanted to make in the case. I’d be happy to work with Rao in the future.” ~ Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) Staff Attorney
“I worked with Rao on a technical training on distributed energy resources for Colombia’s system operator and other electricity-sector stakeholders, under USEA’s Energy Utility Partnership Program cooperative agreement with USAID. Rao presented on a number of topics during this 5-day course, including how aggregation can strengthen DER efforts, strategies for how ISOs/RTOs can manage DER, how DER changes load forecasting, how to model DER, hosting capacity approaches, data requirements, and more. He was pleasant to work with, his presentations were clear and concise, and he was particularly good at sparking discussions and clarifying doubts and uncertainties.” ~ Senior Project Coordinator at U.S. Energy Association
“Rao is a recognized US energy market expert at a regional level, given his experience with the grid operators in the US. His professional network, covering ISO/RTO’s, renewable energy producers and energy traders, is why we, at ConWX, have chosen to work closely with Rao, growing our business in America.” ~ Director of Business Development, ConWX
“I got to know Rao when was hired by my company to provide consulting services. He was very knowledgeable and helpful, and just a pleasure to work with. More recently Rao provided some very timely and helpful support for a battery storage project we were looking at. I continue to be impressed with his insight and command of detail, and look forward to continuing to work with him in future” ~ Vice President of Asset Management, Consolidated Asset Management Services (CAMS)
“Rao is results-driven. He managed to make a valuable survey about storage with the non-exhaustive, and often last-minutely delivered, input from partnering Grid Operators. He is committed and engaged. He has an open mind and is a good listener.” ~ Belgium Transmission System Grid Operator Manager
“Rao is one of the rare leaders who look for ways to drive better operational performance. He was instrumental in getting himself and his team trained in Lean Principles. I was fortunate to train the team on Lean. With his leadership, the training was put to the fullest use and his team used the training to the fullest extend and realized significant benefits. He is a proactive leader with great business acumen. I highly recommend him!” ~ President, Lean Six Sigma Experts Corporation
“Rao Konidena is a highly skilled electric resource/reliability planner with strong communications skills. Rao’s contributions played an important part in our development of Michigan’s 21st Century Energy Plan. I particularly appreciated his cooperative style, willingness to share his expertise, and patience in dealing with the many outside parties involved in our process.” ~ Executive Director, Lansing Board of Water & Light
“I first met Rao Konidena when he worked for MISO and found him to be knowledgeable and helpful. At that time, he was involved in economic transmission planning. When WPPI was considering including testimony in a FERC filing we would be making focused on MISO’s treatment of external resources in it’s resource adequacy construct, Rao came immediately to mind. Rao was very helpful in that filing; bringing ideas and timely assistance to that effort” ~Senior Vice President Power Supply, WPPI Energy
“Mr. Konidena recently aided us in a study and feasibility analysis of energy storage devices, specifically lithium-ion battery storage. He was very helpful in identifying the various suppliers and coordinating calls with these vendors to discuss the various products available and identifying the list of issues that needed to be considered. Mr. Konidena was very easy to work with, was always very responsive, and was diligent to make sure that the vendors followed through on their promises to provide data and/or analysis of various business cases.” ~ Senior Manager, Manitowoc Public Utilities
“Rao Konidena’s in-depth, first hand understanding of RTO operations was critical in allowing our office to prepare a response to significant and costly market design changes. Rao develop workable, cost-effective, operations-focused responses that were integral to our comments before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.” ~ Assistant People’s Counsel, Office of the People’s Counsel-DC